November 14, 2024

November Event is sold out!
Complete the signup below to join the waitlist in the event we have any cancellations. If there are no cancellations, the waitlist will give you the opportunity to be the first to register (prior to sign-ups being open to the public) for our next trip to Canton in Early Spring of 2025.

For only $79* join Padre Pio Pilgrimages for a moving day trip to the spiritual sites of Canton, Ohio.

*includes bus fare and driver tip, lunch, beverages and snacks for return home and donation to each shrine

Payable by check or credit card.
Checks should be made payable to “Padre Pio Pilgrimage Company”
and mailed to 1 Bratenahl Place #1307 Cleveland, OH 44108.

9:00 – 9:15 AM
Board bus at St. Basil The Great Catholic Church (8700 Brecksville Rd, Brecksville, OH 44141)

Free parking for day in the parking lot.

On the bus ride down, Father Doug Brown, Chaplain of AM 1260 and The Rockand Pastor of Mary Queen of Peace will discuss “What is a Pilgrimage and how to Make the Most of it” 

10:00 – 11:30 AM
Rhoda Wise Home (Canton), where:


  • Rhoda was Visited Often by St. Therese of Lisieux (The Little Flower) and Our Lord.
  • Numerous Healings have occurred (including Rhoda’s own healings and the healing
    of teenage Rita Rizzo who later became Mother Angelica).
  • Rhoda was given the gift of The Stigmata (wounds of Christ on her head and hands).
  • Jesus Blessed water that was (and still is) used for miraculous healings.
  • Eucharstic Miracle took place and can still be seen today.
  • Jesus asked Rhoda to draw and place a picture of his face in her home.
  • The Statue of The Little Flower shed tears often.
  • The Statue of The Baby Jesus came to life.
  • Numerous relics of many saints are housed.
  • Jesus ordered a shrine built in honor of His Sacred Heart and Saint Therese.

11:45 AM – 2:00 PM
The Saint Raphael Center, (Canton), where:


  • We will attend mass in the Mary, Ark of the Covenant Chapel (inspired by the
    basilica of the same title in the Holy Land).
  • Have lunch while watching a film about Mother Angelica ’s Life.
  • Tour the Mother Angelica Museum and learn about the amazing life of Rita Rizzo
    who grew up in a rough neighborhood on Canton’s South Side during the Great
    Depression and went on to launch what has become the largest religious media
    network in the world, EWTN.

2:15 – 3:00 PM
Historic Saint Peter Church (downtown Canton), where:


  • Pastor Monsignor George Habig was the spiritual advisor to both Rhoda Wise
    and Rita Rizzo (Mother Angelica). This is a magnificent st ructure with a
    breathtaking interior.

3:15 – 4:15 PM
Sancta Clara Monastery (Canton) where:


  • Young Sister Angelica professed her final vows to the Order of the P oor Clares and
    spent 17 years of her religious life.
  • Mother Angelica made her famous bargain with God!
  • We will Adore the Blessed Sacrament!

4:30 – 5:30 PM
Bus ride home


  • Snacks and refreshments
  • Lisa Gould, former VP of Viewer Services at EWTN, will share reflections on “Working with Mother Angelica.”


If you complete the below form and hit submit, you will be signed-up on the waitlist in the event we have any cancellations. If there are no cancellations, the waitlist will give you the opportunity to be the first to register (prior to sign-ups being open to the public) for our next trip to Canton in Early Spring of 2025.
